So I get it, ok? ...
I get the whole milk thing and believe "it does a body good" and such, but what in the heck are Mommy and Daddy trying to do to me now??? Just look at this ...
Avery meeting Spoonie for the first time
Are they crazy or something?!??!
What's the point in a) making me make such a big mess, and b) changing what I thought was such a good thing. I really enjoyed all my mealtimes with Boobie and Bot, so why bring this third wheel (let's call him Spoonie) into the mix serving me something very different than my typical meals/snacks. Mommy was even saying "Chugga-Chugga Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo" over and over again while waving Spoonie around in the air and then dumping this foul, thick (well, more thicker than lovely milk) concoction down my throat ... just what in the heck is that all about??? Do I need to have her committed??? And Daddy is no better since he just laughed and filmed it all ... am I some sort of experiment or something???
When they start to understand my language better, I'm going to have a long talk with both of them.
Aftermath from encounter with Spoonie
Avery, this is just the beginning. Pretty soon they are going to introduce other alien practices - and they will tell you that it is all so you can be a "big girl" now. Don't be fooled. You've got it made now - forget all that big girl stuff. Just make big enough messes (going "Pfffffft when Spponie hits the mark is a good idea) that they will give up :-)
Hmmm . . . sounds interesting Avery. Enjoy the new foods you are introduced to! Ashton is wondering if this is what he has to look forward to a few months down the road. For now, his food source is just his mommy's milk and formula :-)
Just remember this little sentence that I told my parents last week when they put green stuff on my plate next to the delicious mac & cheese: "Get that broccoli out of my way." Love, Paige
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