Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's a parade just for me?!!?!?

Avery up high to get a good view at her parade

Yesterday was just total awesome!!! On what I thought would be just one of our typical walks down to the University, Mommy and Daddy surprised me with throwing a parade in my honor!!!

There were tons of people walking around with my name on their shirts/hats/banners (well, it was just the first letter "A", but close enough) and all sorts of marching bands, floats, celebrities, and everything else you have for a parade.

There was even a little car with my name on it in the parade procession ... I guess that will be my first car when I'm able to drive (maybe sometime next year?).

UofA mascots Wilmer and Wilma test driving Avery's car

I guess Mommy and Daddy have a lot clout since they even got Santa to be in my parade!!! My Mommy and Daddy are the best ever!!!!!!

Mommy and Avery with Santa in his 'warm weather' sleigh

Mommy and Avery at the parade

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