Saturday, June 28, 2008

But maybe I don't want to join the military ...

Alright ... now I'm starting to get a little worried here ... I thought Mommy and Daddy were just playing around and having fun with me, but now I'm starting to see past all their trickery ...

For over the last month, we have been playing "Tummy Time" a lot where it's a way for me to exercise my neck muscles while on my belly (at least that's the definition on Wikipedia). But while I would exercise, Daddy would keep telling me "Push Avery, push ... push your feet against my hand. Look honey, she already crawling!" where I would do what Daddy would say to get him all happy and such, even though I wasn't really that into it (I mean really, couldn't he see that my face would drag against the ground whenever I pushed ... talk about "tummy time road rash").

"Push Avery, push"

"Look ... she's crawling!"

Anyway, now Mommy and Daddy are both trying to get me to roll over ... like what am I, some kind of dog? And what's the point anyway in doing this?? Sometimes I like to be on my back and sometimes I like to be on my belly, so why can't they just always flip me over to the other side when I tell them to?

Rolling off the belly ...

... darn shoulder always gets stuck ...

... over to the back

So, today it finally occurred to me what they are really up to ... they are secretly training me to be a covert operative for the military. I've seen the "Army of One" videos (I watch MTV) ... I know what's involved with all that training.

Even "feet off the ground" push-ups??!!

I would have never figured them as McCain supporters ... since you know that he wants all parents to start training their babies for the military to get more troops for the war (at least that's what Alex's mom says in this video ... ).

So again, I am pleading with the whole blogosphere to help me explain to them that I don't want to train for the military right now ... jeez, I just want to be a baby.


Anonymous said...

you have every right to have concern about your Mom and Dad doing all those exercises--
I think your suspicious might ber justified.
Just keep on saying no!

love hearing from you so keep those thoughts coming

Anonymous said...


I am so glad you are documenting all these suspicious (if not abusive) behavior by your parental units. I want you to know that if it reaches the point where you must run away, you can always come and live with me. I promise to indulge your every whim, make no demands at all, and allow everything to revolve around your needs. However, I do think it would be best if you could hang in there with the parents until you are potty trained and verbal.

And, do keep in mind that despite the military possibilities, physical fitness is an important life skill. And I’m so impressed! Pushups are tough for females, but to do it with the legs raised is the ultimate achievement. You go, girl.
