Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Bath" ???

Such a nice day ruined by yet another "new experience" ... so I was just minding my own business (trying to sleep or maybe trying have "poop business" in my diaper, I forget exactly what I was in the middle of doing) when here comes daddy saying "bla bla bla bath" and "bla bla bla bath bla bla bath bla bla bla bath". And then before you know it, the next thing I know is that I'm buck naked and being lowered into what looks like some sort of lounge chair, except it's submerged under water with "white scariness" all around. Then as a lot more "bla bla bla's" are being said from both of them (yes, mommy was in on it too) I start to feel wetness ALL AROUND ME ... what the heck is a bath and why does it feel so wet? Now, I don't like a wet diaper, so why would I want to sit in wetness all around me ... I'm really starting to think that my parents are complete morons!!! So, with nowhere to run, I was forced to do what only I can do best ... "waaaa waaa waaaa waaaa waaa" ... "waaaa waaa waaaa waaaa waaa" ... where I also added in a lot of kicking and thrashing about to communicate my extreme unhappiness (yes, my parents still haven't bothered to learn my language yet).

I think it was Mark Twain that said "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.", so hopefully they got my message about this bath business loud and clear.

The only good thing I can say is at least it was quick and will most likely never happen again ... and in retrospect, I guess I do look really cute in my lamb towel ... don't you think?

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