Saturday, September 17, 2011

Diano's Well Deserved Retirement ...

 Mommy competing on Diano years and years and years ago

Today is the first day of retirement for one of Mommy's best friends ... her horse (and mine!) Diano.  Mommy has been riding Diano for more years than I can count to (17 yrs!) and if you have been any type of fan of my blog, you well know that he was the first horse I have ever ridden (and he rides like a dream of rainbows and clouds and puppy dog licks).

Yesterday we all went to the barn to bid him bon voyage on his journey to his retirement home ... a beautiful farm plot in the land he once came from (Canada)!

Diano's retirement home 
(it's bigger than my house!!!) ... 

 ... and where he'll get to trot around 
and have fun ...

 ... there's even a lake nearby 
so he can go swimming!!!

 Mommy and Avery taking Diano for a nice 
walk before his long trip

 Avery feeding him treats

 Mommy giving Diano some of his favorite treats ...

 ... along with a goodbye hug!

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!
~Author Unknown

Mommy and Diano

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you and mommy will miss him very, very much, but take comfort in knowing he will be happy in his nice retirement home. Also, you might not have known until recently that Diano was Canadian. All these years when you thought he was saying "neigh!," he really was saying "eh?."