Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crazy Cookie Party Part 2: The Post-sugar Party

 (continuation from the previous blog entry, titled: Crazy Cookie Party Part 1: The Pre-sugar Rush )

So after all of that preparation, hard work, and creative imagination, you can image what all comes next, right!??!?!?

Tons and tons of cookie eating!!!!

 Shannon diving into our cookie party rewards!!!

 Mathew sampling 3 cookies at a time!!!

Avery deciding which cookie to gobble up next!!!

Actually it was so hard to decide which cookies to eat, I just couldn't help myself (as the video below shows) ...

Avery, Matthew, and Shannon in high sugar-octane 
gear during the cookie party

Below is the last video of the night, where for whatever reason I can't remember much of it ... after devouring so many cookies, my memory just when completely blank ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Avery, I love seeing you and your friends have so much fun. You are such a joy! It looks like you were high on sugar! But those cookies looked so good!

Grandma Judy