Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Storytime with Daddy ...

Avery's favorite thing to do early in the morning

Most of the time, I'm just about ready to jump out of my crib as soon as the sunlight hits my windows just so I can remind Daddy to come and read one of my favorite stories with me. It's oh so peaceful so early in the mornings ... Mommy is still sleeping ... the dogs are all still sleeping ... so, it's just me and my Daddy and all my stories jumping right out of the pages all around me.

Daddy pretends he would rather be sleeping,
but I know the truth


Sheri said...

Pretty soon you'll be reading the stories to Daddy. Maybe if you read with lots of feeling, he'll be able to stay awake.

Anonymous said...

Okay, reading with your daddy is very cute and all, but what's this about jumping out of your crib? I've seen you jumping off the steps. It doesn't end well. Let's not have this jumping out of your crib business, at least not at my house.

Tucson Grandma