Saturday, January 31, 2009

What's the deal with stupid teeth anyway?!??!

Avery showing off her first two front teeth
(and her chubby-cheek smile)

I mean really, what are they good for beside torturing little babies??? I guess I can joke about all this now since the pain in my mouth is gone, but a few months ago, all I could do was cry and cry and cry ... just ask Mommy and Daddy.
And I think you're suppose to get more than two teeth total, right??? Does that mean the torture will start back up again??? Why won't Mommy and Daddy just get me fake teeth like all those celebrities do instead???

Avery with her loosy-toothy bright smile


Sheri said...

I know it doesn't feel like it, but you will be glad you grew your own. And you do look very cute with your very own choppers.

Anonymous said...

I have just one question- are you brushing?

Tucson Grandma