Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Sweetest Tasting Mysteries of Food

So far in my brief life I've only been able to taste one food group (Boobie), so it was quite a pleasant surprise to finally try something new.

Emery taking a relaxing break from "Boobie" ...

... and then getting ready to taste "grown up" food ...

... but Mommy didn't seem to know that I preferred BIG bites, 
not small little licks sitting on the end of a spoon ...

... so I signaled for Avery's help and she gladly
took over and really started scooping it up ...

... unfortunately that also meant a whole lot of 
messiness getting it all around my mouth too ...

... but what I did get in my mouth tasted oh so good ... 
so good that I didn't want to miss a single drop ...

... so I ended up just grabbed the spoon from Avery 
and feeding myself!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Mystery of the Most Tastiest Idea

The other day I was just sitting there bored, playing with some mindless toys when an absolutely crazy idea popped right into my head ... what if your toes where the most tastiest things in the world!!!

  Emery thinking about her crazy idea ...

 ... and then taking the plunge to find out that 
they taste absolutely wonderful!!!

 Well, of course Avery didn't believe me ...

 ... so, she first had to just give them a little "sniff" ...

 ... but then before I even knew it, she literally 
"stuck her foot right into her mouth" 
and thought it was simply heavenly!!!

Give it a try yourself ... you won't know what you're missing until you give it a try!!! I still need some more sucking time before I'll be able to crack this mystery.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Mystery of the Wandering Single Shoes

It turns out that our first REAL mystery to solve has been occurring at our house for some time now ... Avery tells me that this mystery started  before I was even born!!! I guess for years now shoes have had a habit of wandering from where they were originally placed and turning up in the most unusual of places ...

 Shoes left neatly and orderly one night ...

 ... turn into an overturned mismatched pair the next morning!

I had noticed that single shoes were are always littered 
throughout the house (I just thought that's the way 
Mommy and Daddy kept the house) ... 
single shoes were always castaway through the kitchen ...

... all around the entertainment room ...

... thrown-about in the laundry room ...

... to even discarded into the wilderness of the backyard!!!

So I (Emery here on the case) decided to take an approach that Avery has used in the past (see to extract the needed information.

Emery chasing down some leads ...

... and getting very familiar with 
some shoe's last known occupants!

Since sucking on toes didn't necessarily seem to help find any 
real answers, Emery decided to sleep on it for the night ...

... only to discover the same pattern emerging 
once again the very next day!!!

Who was the mastermind behind all this activity ... ghosts, bullies, troublemakers?!?!?! Rest assured that Emery and Avery are on the case and we always solve the mystery!!!