Avery playing a nice game with Sophie and Lilly ...
... then here comes Noah and Mathew sneaking
into the party from the back fence ...
... where Noah started "showing off"
and took a hard tumble down the rocks!!!
Then Noah wanting to still prove that he was the best
rock climber at the party started scaling the back rock wall
(the real one, not my play one!) where his Daddy had
some "strong" words of wisdom for him!!!
Even Will (the oldest of "The Wild Boys") wouldn't
play basketball nicely with me ... I never even got
to touch the ball once during our game ... he won 100 - 0!!!
Finally my best buddy Mathew demanded
I pull him all around the yard in MY wagon!!!
But after Mathew saw how upset this
was all making me, he decided to be nice and
pull me around for a little while!!!