Sunday, September 5, 2010

Piece by piece by piece ...

I have a new hobby that's so much fun ... in fact, I think I'm addicted!!! It started months ago with simple easy baby puzzles that only have 4, 10, or 16 pieces where I recently advanced to the next step of putting together 20, 30, and 40 piece puzzle sets. And now that I've quickly mastered all of the basics like connecting all the edge pieces first and matching up all the color lines and such, I'm now going to attempt a very advanced puzzle ... it's 100 pieces and even says it for "ages 6 & up"!!!

Avery beginning her 100 piece puzzle
that's for "ages 6 & up" ...

... starting with the edge pieces first ...

... edges are now all complete ...

... and next is working inward ...

... and the kitty cat is now complete ...
now working on each flower until ...

... the very last piece is in!!! All done!!!

FYI, this is no joke ... I really did this all by myself in a single sitting (with only lots and lots of encouraging words from Mommy and Daddy)!!!


Anonymous said...

You are just like your mother, Avery Claire. But, where oh where is the TA DA picture???

Love, Tucson Grandma

Anonymous said...

what a good puzzle solver you are Avery. You must have inherited the skill from your Grandma. She is great puzzle solver and always beats me. If you come to my house again I have a closet full of puzzles up to 1000 pieces so you still can have some fun doing larger ones as you grow. You are doing really well for a two year child. Keep up the good work!

Love Greatgrandma Lucille