Saturday, May 29, 2021

Emery plays Pro-Soccer now and Daddy is her coach .... what?!?!!?!

Yes, I am a soccer player now ... how did this all happen??!?!?! 

Well, COVID life has wrecked my athletic lifestyle so it was time to do something about it. Daddy heard that soccer was a sport I could play during COVID since it’s outside, where I jumped at the chance. Daddy also jumped at the chance to coach my team!!!

Daddy coaching our game

I like playing goalie ... except when the ball gets kicked very very hard!!!!

“Saved it from going in!!!”

“But I sort of got a black eye with a ball to the face ... oof!!!”
 Here is me blocking the ball ...
 ... and then stealing the ball away!!!
 I’m exhausted after game days!!!
This is my team and our coach, my Daddy!!!

I’m so glad to be running and playing around again with friends ... 
and for my Daddy being my coach!!! 

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