Saturday, March 17, 2018

Avery in "The Big Show" ...

Can you guess who that is???

Let me give you a hint!!!
HINT:  A V _ _ Y

You guessed it!!!
And, of course, THEO!!!
 (Theo's the big horse Avery is on top of)

Oh, I could totally do that, walking around in circles is easy!!!
(especially with Mommy's help)


This took a turn!!!
What's she doin' now???

This was unexpected!!!

AW!! MAN!!
Things were just getin' exciting!!!

Why did you have to stop now???

Hold on!!

I never knew you get a ribbon if you stop!!!!!

SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!

Slow down ... I HAVE to be in this picture, or it won't be fabulous!!

Now it's fabulous!!!
I would be smiling, but this is MY blog not Avery's why is it all about her!!!
(I think Theo agrees too!!!)

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