Happy "Super Scary" Halloween!!!
You're probably wondering how our Halloween started. Well, first there was lots of pumpkin time ...
Searching for the most perfect pumpkins to pick
Emery and Avery scooping out all of the pumpkin guts ...
... Emery way grossed out with pumpkin guts touching her skin!!!
Our finished Halloween jack-o-lanterns!!!
Driving our pumpkins to the jack-o-lantern contest ...
they won 1st place!!!
Time to now play with our best friends
Chiara, Sora, and Sophie
Everybody loved jumping on the Bubble Jumpers ...
... Emery and Avery catching tons of air ...
... even all the Dads joined in on the fun!!!
Then off on a wagon ride to the train station ...
... goofing around on the train ride ...
... Avery and Chiara are Best Friends Forever (BFFs)!!!
Testing out our first set of Halloween costumes ...
Emery The Zebra and Avery The Tap-Dancer!!!
Costumes looking good so far and getting tons of candy ...
... even Emery's teacher Ms. McKenzie loved our costumes!!!
Time for our final Halloween costumes ...
can you guess what Avery is????
Here's a hint ...
(she was a Wild Thing from one of her favorite books,
Can you guess what Emery is???
Her final costume was a Witch Fairy Jack-o-lantern
Avery and Chiara trick-or-treating at their school ...
... and then we all ventured out to the neighborhoods ...
... Emery caught eating treats
while riding in the wagon!!!
The day after Halloween Stella "played"
with Avery's costume ... bag dog Stella!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
(mostly all typed by Avery)