Sunday, June 30, 2013

They say I'm sort of a Daredevil ...

Emery testing her climbing abilities

I like to push the limits sometimes, just so I know my full capabilities. Here's a video of me scaling down from Avery's bed ...

To be able to get down, one must first get on up

And here's the video of me climbing up onto Avery's bed to begin with ... notice there are no nets or safety harnesses involved during either feats!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Downtime in the Sumertime ...

Midday car naps are the best during the hot hot days of summer

Summertime seems to have some very busy days with tons of downtime in-between, so you have to be creative to stave off boredom and not go crazy! Here are some snapshots and videos of what we have been doing with all our downtime lately ...

Playing "SuperDog Adventures" with Scout-No

 Playing "Naked Baby" any chance we get

Sliding, sliding, and more sliding

Walking all around in the house ... in circles, again and again and again ...

Teaching Scout-No how to read ...

... and even teaching my big sister too!
Although Avery reads a lot, just all on her own ...

 There has also been all of the eating ...

 ... I mean really, tons and tons of eating ...

 ... with lots of desserts afterwards ...

 ... and thus, lots of brushing our teeth 
each and every night!

Even when we're in Daddy's running stroller, 
we use the time to get very very close ... literally!

Also, I've been practicing my jet skiing skills, inside the house though with the cool air conditioning blasting away ...

Scout even let's me practice my 
balance on her back!

And I can't forget all that rock n' rolling I do each day, all night long ...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Daddy's Day, Daddy!!!

 Making breakfast for our Daddy on his day!!!
 And even though sometimes 
we don't exactly listen to you ...

 ... or get sooo bored as you explain 
everything in all it's fine details ...

 ... we want you to know that you are the best 
Daddy ever, no one else even comes close ...

 ... to all the joy you bring into our daily life!
We love you so much, Daddy!!!