This is Avery having birthday dinner ...
and it's at my fav restaurant!!!
(secretly I told Mommy that I'd only be good if we went there)
This is me playing with Avery's party cups!!!
I love bugging older kids,
especially Avery's friends!!!
In fact, Avery said she was "dragging me around everywhere"
because she hoped that I would get bored and go away
.... well ....
.... that didn't work until dinner time ...
I prefer to eat inside with Mommy!!!
For dessert, Avery got something called,
"Birthday Butt Cake"!!!
(ha ha, it's actually called Bunt Cake)
Just to be sure, I only ate the frosting ... or AKA
the best part of any cake, including Butt Cake.
Lucky for me (or not!) lots of Avery's friends ate most of the cake,
so I won't have to eat Butt Cake for lunch tomorrow
or any of the leftover frosting ...
And, cha' know what?
It was actually pretty good for Butt Cake!
Finally, the end of Avery's Big Birthday Party!!!!!
Now it's present time ... and Avery got 2 (I repeat, 2!)
of the same Lego sets!
Ya' never know, maybe she'll give me one!!!
Happy Birthday Big Sister!!!