Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Consider us now "International Adventurers"!!!! Part 3

Hot on the Mona Lisa trail, we quickly talked Mommy and Daddy into a side trip to London. They still had no idea about our ongoing investigation since it's easier to keep our cover it they are left in the dark. They were very easy to persuade heading to another fabulous foreign destination!

Emery and Avery following their instincts 
(and hopefully the Mona Lisa) to London!!!

Holy cow! The hordes of people milling about London were horrible ... 

... and armies of marching bands roamed the streets every 30 mins ...

... and all of the building were down-right SCARY ...

... and everything was just so HUGE!!! 
How in the world was SIS going to navigate these lands?!?!?!?

Like they say, "When in Rome ...", so we quickly decided
 to take a break and relax in the park a bit with the locals

After many rotations around the Lady Dianna Thinking Fountains,
 we were ready brave the streets again looking for clues

Refreshed and revitalized, Avery invigorated
the clue hunting adventure by wearing her 
Lady Dianna tiara and dancing through the streets!!!

Everyone was soon dancing through the streets ... 
Emery was doing her "Sit Dancing" as
Avery struck-a-pose for any passer-by ...

... Avery even frolicked by all the major sights ...

... where even Mommy was moved by 
the rhythm ...

... and Daddy eventually joined in as well!!!

But after a long hard day searching without a 
single clue in hand, the SIS crew was out for the night!

The next morning, Emery "telling" Avery they need
to really get on the case before the trail goes cold

No place would be left unsearched, even miles and miles of ...

... sewer lines!?!??!??
Ha, ha, just kidding, this was at a fun kid place at 
Lady Dianna Memorial Park by Kensington Palace!!!

And then by chance, a moment stumbling upon some 
Banksy graffiti street art (on a building right outside of 
Parliament) changed out mind set ... 
We needed to go back to the museums to 
get back into a better frame of mind!!!

Avery still a bit in the dancing mood
 at the British Museum

Face-to-face with real life Mummys (and with our Mommy), 
just like our heroes "Scooby-Doo and the Gang"!!!

As luck would have it, chatter around the museum 
water-cooler was that the Mona Lisa had been spotted 
in London and was being secretly held 
"in a very secure place along the water" as big hot-shot
criminals bid on the masterpiece ... time was running out!!!

We quickly charted a boat to search up and down the Thames River!!!

On our third pass of the London Bridge, 
Emery spotted something peculiar ...

... way up at the very top, the second window down you
could see that most infamous smile illuminate the room
like a spotlight ... we needed to get a closer look!!!

We jumped off at Greenwich to use their Royal Observatory and  ...
Eureka!!! Just as we had thought, in that tiny heavily guarded room
you could see what looked like the edges of the Mona Lisa herself!!!

We finally had to tell Mommy and Daddy the truth to get their help, 
so we explained everything and pointed Mommy to the room ...
she couldn't 100% see the Mona Lisa either, but she believed us anyway!!!

Emery having a "power nap" as we headed over to the London Bridge!!!

We headed straight for that front gate ...

... but it was very VERY heavily guarded ...

... so ... acting as tourists we "toured" around the entire complex, 
searching every nook and cranny for a way to sneak in 
and steal her back, but security was very VERY tight ... 
it seemed hopeless that we would ever solve the case since 
the police wouldn't believe us without hard evidence ...
... that is until Daddy had a plan!!! 

Daddy's super idea was to send an illustration of the thief's trail to
the newspapers, so that the police would have to investigate, 
the Mona Lisa would get returned back to the Louvre, 
and everyone would know that it was 
"SIS International Adventures" that solved the case!!
(above pic shows the thief walking out 
of the Louvre with the Mona Lisa)

 Pics above of the Fragonard Parfumeur shop (which held her temporary) 
and then the London Bridge (to show where she was currently held at)

Avery mailing the illustrations to the newspapers ...

... after solving a mystery, you have to do a "happy dance"!!!

Long story short, the next day all the newspaper headlines read 
"Emery and Avery, International Heroes, Save The Day"!!!

And on top of all of that, what a truly great family trip!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Consider us now "International Adventurers"!!!! Part 2

So after thinking about it for a very very long time, we definitely ruled out that our own family could be in on this caper. Our great Auntie Em could NEVER be the thief since she acted so sweet, caring, and innocent with us (as always). And even though Grandma Wendy and Grandpa Charles are always acting very suspicious and mischievous, they are way way WAY to old to pull off anything like this!!! What in the world were we thinking!!!

We decided to really get down to business and start up this investigation full time. Doing such though requires time away from Mommy and Daddy so we could go about solving the mystery. A much needed distraction was necessary ...

 Emery and Avery trying to "sneak away" together,
only to be quickly caught by Mommy and Daddy

 Avery tried "playing with other kids" in 
the hopes that she could blend in and get away ...

 ... but wouldn't you know, Mommy and Daddy 
were always right there taking photos and such!

Emery made a break for it, running 
 down the Avenue des Champs-Élysées ...

 ... but Mommy always nabbed 
her before she got too far away ...

... they were always just too quick and reactive to run away
from ... it was going to take more than just running away ...

... it was time to put a good getaway plan together, 
so we went on a ride to set a plan into action.

It was time to show how mad someone can really get when sometimes things don't always go their way, like the infinite sadness and fury a baby has when a fun carousel ride gets stopped abruptly (watch the torment in the video below)!

The aftermath of Emery's "tantrum" when the carousel stopped ... 
note this was really just a trick to get some alone 
time away from Mommy and Daddy!

After some even more persuasion, we finally talked Mommy and Daddy into leaving us in our room for a very long nap while they explored the surroundings. It was actually much easier than we though to get them out of our hair this way.

Mommy and Daddy exploring Paris ...

... and Marie Antoinette's castles 
of huge mirrors and chandeliers ...

... and statues of monkeys on goats ...

... and of course, always back to the great Eiffel Tower!

So while mommy and Daddy we away, us kids finally got on the case ...

Emery and Avery out on their own searching for clues!

There were so many suspects everywhere!!!

A representation of Avery in deep thought as 
she runs through all of the clues to date ...

... EUREKA, a first real lead 
pops out from the clutter!!!

We just had to test some hypotheses involving 
how someone could evade all sorts of anti-thief protections!
Sometimes nature and the surrounds show off clues 
that might be normally overlooked ...

... only trained experts like ourselves know 
how to read the environment for these clues ...

... and it always helps to have good 
contacts in an unfamiliar city! 
Our contact Maggie (seen here) had some 
valuable insight to help us on the case.

She directed us to a specific bench on a 
Southwestern corner from the Eiffel Tower ...
it seems this has been a hot spot 
for illegal art dealings in the past!

After only a few hours of watching, we got a lucky break!
I recognized a well known master art thief had stopped by. 
Good thing we can read lips! Their conversation seemed to 
indicate that the Mona Lisa was going to be shipped out tonight 
from "the store" but they never said what "the store" was and 
every time they called it that, they made this weird gesture pointing 
upwards into the sky that reminded us of another clue, 
a painting at the Louvre. 
Could this be a real critical clue??? 

We had to get back to the Louvre fast!  

Racing down the halls of the Louvre ...

... right down to where it was ... 
Leonardo da Vinci's St. John the Baptist 
pointing upwards into the heavens ...
and wouldn't you know, but right above the
 painting was an advertisement for ...

... this place!!!! Could it be that this is "the store"? 
Could it be we were about to solve this mystery!!!

Before it got too late, we had to rendezvous back with 
Mommy and Daddy before heading to the police dept ... 
but as always, they first wanted to first eat some lunch ...

... and of course, as usual, take some time for 
some photo-ops along the way ...

... way too many photo-ops ...

... way way WAY too many photo-ops ...

... and also of course another out-in-the-open 
Emery diaper change!!!

We were super excited that we were in the mist 
of solving our first international mystery ...

... "Emery and Avery, International Heroes
has a nice ring to it ...

... we had to act fast before nightfall to capture the thieves, 
so we grabbed the Paris chief of police ...

... and then back to the Louvre it was!!!

But get this, the police chief said our hunch way impossible! 
The family who owned the Fragonard Parfumeur were very 
good friends of his and there was no way they were involved. 
The chief then said the business that moving to London 
as of today, so he would not even waste any of his time 
following leads on anyone outside of his jurisdiction. 

We knew exactly what we had to do next ... 
board a plane off to London it is!!