Getting out to expend some pent-up energy is the best feeling in the world, especially during a rough winter season. The other day we all got to do just that. It was an exceptionally nice bright day during a usual long cold winter. Everyone came out of the wood-works for a nice "friendly" community fun run at our local park, from our friends (ie crazy Mathew) to our extended close family (ie great Auntie Em)!
Avery and Mathew warming up for the kids race
Avery watching for Mommy and Auntie Em to run by
during their "friendly" sister race
There's Mommy and Auntie Em coming fast down the hill,
neck in neck ...
... and then there's Mommy falling slightly behind
since she chose to run around the mud pit jump!!!
Here's Mommy still slightly
behind Auntie around the turn ...
we yelled at her to run faster and faster ...
... but she didn't care who won and preferred
rather to run by and blow us a warm gentle kiss!!!
We love you too, Mommy ...
you will always be a big winner to us!!!
Great day for some friendly competition
and fun times for all!!!