Friday, May 26, 2017

First Ever Running Race!!!

Better watch out, here come the fastest
kids ever to the big downtown race!!!

Get ready, get set, go!!!
Here we are with a great start for our 
first ever running race!!! 

Below is a video of us very close to the finish line. Notice that Avery was going so fast she had to slow down so Daddy and Emery could catch up to her and cross the finish line all together ...

After the race, it's time for a refreshing quenching drink ...

... and then out to dinner to replenish depleted carbs 
and show off our race ribbons!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Boo, it's the last day of school ...

"Boo, it's the last day of school ..."
says Sad Emery

A sad shower and a sad sad song (video below) 
on this very sad last day of Pre-K school ...

Let's try to have a super fun last day anyway ... 
first, let's play with some trains ...

... and then get in some good reading with friends ...

... and we have to clean out some classroom artwork ...

... and then start to say farewell to my BFF Savanna!!!!

"You know you have a BFF, 
when you match pink boots out of the blue ..."

"You know you have a BFF, 
when one smile always turns into two ..."

"You know you have a BFF, 
when you have a great partner to help lead the way ..."

"My sweet sweet BFF Savanna, 
in my heart you will always stay!!!"

Avery had a super fun last day,
 playing games on the school field ...

"Watch out, there goes Avery and Chiara!!!"

Mommy and Daddy even got a nice remembrance
from school on the last day as well ...

I guess the last school day isn't that bad at all!!!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Happy Bday, Emery!!!

Emery's Awesome Birthday cake 
(created by Grandma Wendy)

Emery's birthday party was a super fun day ...

... with great pool-time ...

... tons and tons of great pool-time ...

... great jumpy jumping castle time ...

... fun swinging time ...

... all-around super fun playtime!!!

Emery posing with her awesome cake and BFF Savanna

"Happy Birthday, Emery"!!!

"Now it's time for some cake eating!!!"

You know it's a great party when you 
pass out somewhere right after ...

Happy Birthday, Emery!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Momma's Day!!!!!!!!

"Mommy, you are the best Mommy 
we could ever ask for ..."

"... you make time fun, whenever you are around ..."

"... and you can always turn, any frown upside-down ..."

"... and your laugh, when we are super silly, is sooo warm ..."

"... that's why you are the best Mommy 
we could ever ask for!!!"

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

School Parties!!!

Avery and her BFF Chiara riding 
out to a school field trip to ...

 ... Sabino Canyon!!!
(sadly they wouldn't allow one little extra visitor named Emery) 

I have no clue why they're so interested with a pond ... 
oh yeah, there's a super cool dam and waterfall below!!!

This is how you use wood to make holes in sea shells.
(I think) 

Now she made it into a necklace???
(I'm totally lost)

(Without ME!!!)

Now it's time to join in the fun and all go to a ...

... school party at the CHILDREN'S MUSEUM!!!

And my BFF is here too ... Savanna!!!

"There's a turkey in the road!!!" -Someone   
"Emery get out of the road!" -Avery

 Vroom, vroom!!!

Race you to the top!!!


What a long fun day!!!