Saturday, September 16, 2017

Avery's First Big Professional Art Show!!!

Wait, what the heck is this for!!!??!??

And why is Avery's name up there 
on this huge banner?

No way!!!! My sister is now some big 
muckety-muck artist!??!??!

Cool!!! That means I'm now famous too!!!!!!

Avery's name is everywhere in the art gallery ... 
seriously really cool!!!

Here she is in front of her award winning 
'Puma - in charcoal' piece ...
I can't wait to brag to all my friends at school!!

Now let's go have some fun seeing everything else here, 
like this big ol' beaver swimming all around ...

... and play dress-up with "Vulture Culture"!!!

Ending the great art show extravaganza out on the town 
with friends and family!!!

Congratulations big sister Avery on your first (of many) 
super big art exhibitions!!!

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