Monday, August 10, 2015

Whoo, whoo ... It's time again for school!!!

Just in time for school ...

Owlie getting the girls up for their first day of school!!!

Although Avery needed more than just Owlie 
to help wake her up...

 ... and both were groggy for a long while 
until it was time to leave for school!!!

 In a rush, let's just do a real simple hair style ...

 ... and then it's off we go!!!

 Emery jumped right into school, 
first playing with tons and tons of Legos ... 

 ... creating a name plate for her cubby ...

... and then playing in the kitchen with all the girls ...

 ... and then playing contruction with all the boys!!!

It was a great first day!!!

Where Avery jumped right back into 
her Chinese studies ...

 ... and wanted to share her summer 
best friend with her class!!!

And at the end of the day, there was a special class 
with Mommy called "Ice Cream 101"!!!

But then on the next day ....

"Wait, you mean I have to go to school every day!?!?!?!?"

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